$33.00 USD

Legal Disclaimer & Terms of Service
By participating in the Lion's Gate Portal Transmission with Eileen Santos (a.k.a. Elohi Magdalena Rosa), you are confirming that you have read and understood this Disclaimer and Terms of Service and that you are freely entering into legally binding agreement with their provisions which are governed by United States of America Pennsylvania Law and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Delaware County Pennsylvania courts. You are at least 18 years of age, competent to decide upon the suitability of these services for you, and physically and mentally fit to engage with them. All communication, service and information between you and Eileen Santos (a.k.a. Elohi Magdalena Rosa) is provided for educational, spiritual and entertainment purposes only; and constitutes personal guidance/insight only and does not in any way constitute professional consultation, advice, opinion, recommendations, diagnosis, evaluation or treatment. It is not intended to, nor should it ever, take the place of professional services including (but not limited to) medical, mental health, counseling, psychological, psychotherapeutic, legal, financial or business services. Eileen Santos (a.k.a. Elohi Magdalena Rosa) accepts no responsibility or liability for any decisions, actions or inaction you choose to make, now and in the future, based on any communication between you and her. Sometimes working deeply within your internal energetics and consciousness may elicit emotional, energetic, spiritual and/or physical sensations or symptoms as part of the release and awakening process of your unique system and that which it holds; should any of these arise you agree that Eileen Santos (a.k.a. Elohi Magdalena Rosa) is not in any way responsible or liable, and agree to take personal responsibility for them, including seeking any professional or medical assistance you consider necessary. You agree to fully indemnify and hold harmless Eileen Santos (a.k.a Elohi Magdalena Rosa) and Anumani Speaks against all liability and costs (including legal fees) in any way connected with your participation in and use of these services. Payment is for Eileen Santos' (a.k.a Elohi Magdalena Rosa's) time only and not for any specific results or outcomes which can never be guaranteed or predicted. You agree you will not publish, display, share or distribute any material from the Lion's Gate Portal Transmission without express written permission from Eileen Santos (a.k.a Elohi Magdalena Rosa) and Anumani Speaks, LLC.

Lion's Gate Portal Recording


Then, join me online on Thursday, August 8, at 7pm EST for the Lion's Gate Portal Transmission. We will be connecting directly into Source consciousness, joined by the Royal Lions of Sirius, the Sirian High Council, the Christed family, Elohim, and many other angelic, galactic, and ascended beings of light.

In 2024, this is a triple '8', 8-8-8, portal so the energy will be extremely powerful! Every year on August 8th, the Lion's Gate Portal allows us to access galactic energies connected to the alignment that happens between the Earth, the Sun, and the star Sirius, sometimes called our "Spiritual or Galactic Sun".  The portal is named after the Leo constellation, which is visible during this time and represents strength, courage, and confidence. 

The Lion's Gate Portal is a channel for spiritual healing, renewal, awakening, and manifestation. It is a time to reconnect with your true essence, accept past chapters as part of your healing journey, and magnify your intentions. This portal is a reminder that creation, or manifestation, begins from the Source within you, giving you the power to co-create through your divine heart and mind that which is in your highest truth and highest love. It is a time to reach beyond your fears and limiting beliefs, and be bold and daring in what you desire and dream into being.

It is a time of letting go of old ways of being, old paradigms, especially around manifestation and abundance. We are stepping away from false matrices and conditioning around suffering and scarcity. So many of us have been conditioned to believe that everything has to be hard to be worthwhile and evolve and grow. But, that no longer serves us. We are stepping into a new template of ease and grace, led by the Cosmic Christ Consciousness and our Star family.  

Let us join our divine hearts and minds to co-create a new way of being led by grace and abundance, a new cosmic you, anchoring more deeply into the Cosmic Christ Consciousness that was seeded within you long ago. The TIME is NOW to remember who you truly are!