Join Elohi and her guides, for this free masterclass: Reconnecting with your Divine Beloved. In this masterclass, you will be guided to reconnect with the aspect of your Soul called the Divine Beloved. In Elohi's book, Unmasking Your Soul, this aspect of your Soul is connected to Soul Chamber of Light I: Divine Love.

Elohi will explain this Soul Chamber of Light and aspect of your Soul, and leverage several spiritual practices to help you deepen your connection to your Divine Beloved. She will also take you on a guided journey and channel a divine transmission to help you embody more of your true essence of DIVINE LOVE.

You can register at the link below. Once you register, you will receive an email with the Zoom link.

Elohi is a spiritual mentor, intuitive healer, trans-channel, voice alchemist, international bestselling author, and Soul artist. She is a bridge to the Soul and vessel for many ascended beings and deities (angelic, galactic, earthly, and elemental) that channel healing sounds, light language, and activations that work on the cellular level to bring forth healing, awakening, and evolution. She also is a high priestess of Isis and the Rose lineage, and an activator of the Christ consciousness and the sacred mysteries of the divine heart.

You can connect with Elohi at her: Page

You can purchase her book, Unmasking Your Soul: A Transformational Journey of Truth, Light, and Healing on amazon: Amazon Link

Event Registration

Register at the link below. Once you register, you will receive an email with the Zoom link for the masterclass.

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Watch the Latest Divine Beloved Replay

Want to experience a deeper connection with the Divine Beloved aspect of your Soul? Then, join Elohi for a powerful series of live channeled sessions connected to Divine Love, the first Soul Chamber of Light described in her book, Unmasking Your Soul. In this first chamber, we deepen our connection with the aspect of our Soul that is the Divine Beloved.

To support you in deepening your connection with your own Divine Beloved, she will be reading the third of three channeled letters from her Soul's Divine Beloved and doing live sound alchemy transmissions to help you anchor more profoundly into the vibration of Divine Love that is your true essence. Mary Magdalene will be joining us to bring her energies and Divine Love into this transmission.

Love is the alchemy that will transform the world into that which we know to be true within our hearts.

 Elohi Magdalena Rosa (a.k.a., Anümani) Bio

Elohi Magdalena Rosa (Anümani), intuitive healer, trans-channel, voice alchemist, international bestselling author, and artist is a sought-after spiritual mentor and transformational leader who channels powerful activations, delivers talks, and workshops that empower heart-centered leaders, entrepreneurs, changemakers, creatives, healers, and messengers to unleash their Soul's genius and show up in the world as their most brilliant and authentic self.

Elohi is a bridge to the Soul and vessel for many ascended beings (Angelic, Galactic, and Earthly) that channel healing sounds, light language, and activations that work on the cellular level to bring forth healing, awakening, and evolution. She is a direct channel of the Elohim consciousness of creation—Source Love, Source Light. She is also a high priestess of Isis and the Rose lineage, and an activator of the Christ Consciousness and divine mysteries of the sacred heart.

Elohi is the creator of the Unmasking Your Soul BlueprintTM, the international best-selling author of Unmasking Your Soul: A Transformational Journey of Truth, Light, and Healing, and a contributing author to EIPPY award-winning book: Pebbles in the Pond: Transforming One Person at a Time (Wave 4). She is the forthcoming author of Unmasking Your Soul: Activating the Divine Mysteries of the Sacred Heart. She is also the creator of the meditation compilation, Activating the Spiritual Warrior Within, Wisdom of the Soul Oracle, and a variety of energy and light encoded Soul Art.

Event Registration

Register at the link below. Once you register, you will receive an email with the Zoom link for the masterclass.
